Daniel Brandl

Daniel Brandl is a cellist, composer and experimental musician. He prepares his cello with objects and uses the computer as a second instrument to achieve sounds that are beyond the norm.

Manipulation turns the cello into an expanded instrument, with new, unexpected possibilities. In doing so, Daniel Brandl constructed a language in which sounds defined as unpleasant are interwoven with clear melodies to form improvised poetry.
He takes elements of western classical tradition and combines them with Jazz and electric music patterns.

He builds paths into chaos, somewhere between artificial intelligence and intelligent humanity.

Whats new?

Album Release:
Live. Electric

A walk during the night, in soft rain. Contemplative Silence.
Dark and deep sounds, a pinch of anger here and there. 
Not hopelessness, but melancholy.

Live Electric is the auditive reflection of the interplay of digital and acoustic spheres, played on concerts throughout  the yeras 2020 to 2023.

Daniel Brandl builds ways into chaos, somewhere between artificial intelligence and intelligent humanity.

Release concert Solo 3

On the 26th of october I will release my third Solo album. The Concert will be held at "Rottstrasse 5 Theater" in Bochum.
Click to find the Theater:
My bands and projects


Daniel Brandl

The core of my creative work lies in dealing with the cello as a solo instrument in combination with the computer and digital sound processing. 



Together with the performer Emily Welther, Daniel Brandl forms the interdisciplinary duo INTERFACE. Born as a way to connect over the internet it has become an essential to find equilibrium.


Tardigrad Duo

With the Drummer Giuseppe Mautone, the Tardigrad Duo explores free music, with the combination of cello, drums and the computer. 
The drums humming the melody and the cello hammering the beat.



Playing the music of Nirvana and other Rockbands, the trio of Cello, Drums and Double Bass explores a unique, dark sound.


The Mundorgel Project

German singalong project with the music from the famous book "Die Mundorgel" 


Überwiegend Unbekannt

A Cellist and a Writer walk into a bar. What starts like a stupid joke evolves into a conversation. A get together of two people becoming friends.

Daniel and Tobi talk about "particles" or events, that shaped them.


Daniel Brandl
{prepared} & Cello & {electronics}

Daniel Brandl is a cellist, composer and experimental musician.

He prepares his cello with objects and uses the computer as a second instrument to achieve sounds that are beyond the norm.

Manipulation turns the cello into an expanded instrument, with new, unexpected possibilities.

In doing so, Daniel Brandl constructed a language in which sounds defined as unpleasant are interwoven with clear melodies to form improvised poetry.
He takes elements of western classical tradition and combines them with Jazz and electric music patterns.

He has already traveled to many places around the world and has been able to make music with a wide range of artists.

With Electric Barbarian at the World Exhibition in Shanghai, with Tommy Finke in Samara, Russia and throughout Germany with Patricia Kelly. He performs solo and in small ensembles all over Germany.

He builds paths into chaos, somewhere between artificial intelligence and intelligent humanity.

Daniel Brandl composes music for theater and dance productions, three solo albums and several bands.

My Music, on Soundcloud

Here you can listen to one of my albums. Live Electric came out this year. It's a collection of music pieces I performed from 2020-2023. It's the collision of digital means with acoustic presence.


Srteaming performance

Warum Schreist Du Mich So An?!

This is a streaming performance, working binaural. So make sure to use your headphones.

I tried to work with all the voices, one encounters online that circle around and in your head, wich scream at you.


I N T E R F A C E; a digital performance in shared time

Zoom performance on 15. September 2021 as part of the Echo Echo Dance Theater Company's Festival of Dance and Movement 2021


follow me on social media, register to my newsletter or get in contact:

  • Linktree with all my media and social media

  • Sign up for my newsletter

Visit my bandcamp store:


Redaktion / Inhalte:
Daniel Brandl
Dirschauerstraße 9
D-44789 Bochum

E-Mail: booking.daniel (at) web.de


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Schadensersatzansprüche gleich aus welchem Rechtsgrund gegen Daniel Brandl (einschl. dessen Erfüllungsgehilfen), bestehen bei Vorliegen lediglich leichter Fahrlässigkeit nur, wenn eine wesentliche Vertragspflicht verletzt worden ist. Schadensersatzansprüche sind der Höhe nach auf den typischen vorhersehbaren Schaden beschränkt. Ansprüche wegen Gesundheits- bzw. Körperschäden sowie wegen nach dem Produkthaftungsgesetz bleiben von diesen Einschränkungen unberührt.